Monday, August 11, 2008

Writhing In Excruciating Pain

I was just leaning back in my chair thinking about my current home page design for a project I'm currently working. I was listening to some random song on my itunes list. The song had a heavy beat which I was enjoying in the form of me flicking my chair. Do to my sprawled out, laid back posture, I was flicking in a location I would consider a softer portion of the chair. The location of the chair I was continually flicking laid in between my legs near my groin area. I have no idea why I chose this spot in particular but had someone walked by it might have looked a bit strange. However, that is what I was doing as I was lost in my creative coma.

Perhaps it was the forward rocking motion or the snap out of my coma but my arm spazzed and before I could pull away, my finger plunged deep into my right testicle. Owwwwwe! I screamed in my head as i doubled over. Yes, not one of my finer moments. My stomach immediately had that dropping feeling you get while on a roller coaster as well as a sharp pain in the tender area. I grabbed my crotch and immediately put my head down hoping to perform some miracle through inconsistent breathing techniques. With teared up eyes and a sore right testes I'm befuddled as to how this came to pass. I'm probably just unlucky but this kinda' stuff happens to me all the time. I'll laugh about it later and repeat the story to my friends so they can make fun of me but for right now I'm wishing they had a non-sexual occupational therapy facility for testicular trauma. If I walk funny you know why.


Liz said...

ah... and THIS is one of the reasons we became friends so many years ago... :) hope you're feeling better. :)

The randomness that is my life said...

I'm sorry man..but I just unleashed a massive amount of coke on my computer screen reading a guy..Son of a bitch I bet that hurt...but just because I am me...That was damn funny.