Monday, November 3, 2008

Beginning of the End

Saturday night I ended up playing an awesome game of Balderdash. Basically there are several categories such as dates, peoples names, movie titles and words. When you get a date, name etc... you write down a creative or funny answer to what or who it might be and then people guess. I absolutely loved one of the written answers given by a guy we were playing with and it went like this...

Category: Movie Title

Beginning of the End -

Best buddies Jim & Fred dress up in a two man horse costume for a vaudevillian act. One night Fred "the head" stops suddenly creating a serious issue for both men.

Brilliant!!! I voted for it!

Actual movie premise "Reporter, military officer and scientist discover the complete destruction of a small town was caused by giant grasshoppers, accidently enlarged by the scientist's experimenting with radioactive material at a nearby agricultural research project."

I'm also currently watching an english six episode TV show called "Piece of Cake". A fantastic show about English Spitfire pilots during WWII. The show premiered in 1988 and wasn't popular amongst the masses due to the realistic nature of the characters. The men are all conflicted and some of the pilots are just assholes. It wasn't popular but I find the show fantastic.

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