Saturday, February 2, 2008

My Secret Passions

Here are a few things that I secretly love and wouldn't normally share with anyone. Being a guy, I often have to hide these tidbits of info.

Who could live life without german chocolate cheesecake?

Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency is a fascinating show.

Dirty Dancing has one of the best lines in any movie.

If you haven't ever listened to heart, do so.

Babylon 5 is awesome!

I've always had a crush on Tyra Banks.

I looked at two majors going into college. The other major had more schooling involved... OBGYN. A friend of mine in high school had a bad experience with one and I thought I could be a good one. This just isn't going to sound right no matter how I explain it.

I love the color pink especially with chocolate brown.

I have a love for fashion.

I'm a hopeless romantic especially when it comes to fairy-tales like "Stardust".

I thoroughly enjoy karaoke.

I love video games, especially the old ones.

I love taking showers and singing in them. Most of my creative thoughts happen in the shower.

I've used Nair. I should have taken that one to my grave.

I have a thing for Platinum Blondes that started when I saw a Marilyn Monroe poster when I was a kid.

I love Burberry everything.

I poured out a 40 for 2-pac. (had to fit in something masculine)

I like country music sometimes.

I bought Brittany Spears greatest hits.

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