Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm In Trouble Now

So I just finished off a bottle a wine all by myself and I feel like blogging. This could spell disaster but then again I don't care what other people think. hmmmmm... what should I discuss while I'm in this intoxicated state? I know! How about the subject of the "One Night Stand"? I can already tell that several of my readers are on the edge of their seat about this one. Good.

There are three kinds of people when it come to the one night stand. The three are; those that have, those that will at some point have, and lastly those that won't have. All three are acceptable. I'm in the first category. Now before you go judging me I need to explain that it only happened once and I didn't enjoy it like I thought I would. There's definitely a certain amount fantasy that is ingrained in most males when it comes to the ultimate of machismo acts. Well guess what... it's not the fucking reality. The reality of the situation, at least for me was one of extreme uncomfortableness. I didn't enjoy having sex with a woman I was not passionate about, nor could we please each other because it takes awhile to figure each other out intimately. The next morning is a whole other story too. We both new each other in ways that one should not know unless emotionally involved.

Wow. This is getting harder to write about even when drunk.

So... it started when I was in a bar with some buddies and some girls decided to join us for darts. One girl was into me and made it very clear. We moved from one bar game to the next, buying each other shots at each stop. My friends left and so did I at the request of the girl eyeing me. We went to a club of her choosing where we proceeded to get affectionate. We then decided to go back to my place. I was uncomfortable pulling out the protection but it was necessary. It was sex at its most basic. No feelings, just urges. It just wasn't the same as if you're passionate about the other person. I took her home the next morning and we've never seen each other since. She wasn't looking for anything more and neither was I. I've since had several offers for the same experience but I declined... it's just not me, I'm not a notch on the belt kinda guy. I'm sweet which apparently is a turn off to some women.

I don't regret the experience because it helps me define who I am. I hope my readers better understand me from this post and can learn from me. We all deserve love and I'm willing to push sex aside until it's right in order to be happy. I think to many people rush into sex these days and it can be destructive. I would like to know what my readers think and you can comment as anonymous which is cool.


DanaDoesDesign said...

Have to admit I was kind of wondering exactly HOW DRUNK you were that night. Not what you seem to go for, typically. And especially after the blog on another certain site about how women in KC need to dress better. I kind of think this one was a prime example. Sorry to be harsh, but it's pretty clear you weren't crazy about the experience from your post.

The one thing that I have a hard time understanding is that the way you talk about women sometimes isn't exactly in line with what you are saying here. We've been chalking up a lot of things to a "Quarter Life Crisis", and being single again. Actions definitely change it's good to hear that there won't be lots of random hook ups in the future. It's behavior that, contrary to what you may have heard, most sober women admire.

Author said...

I spent a lot of my life doing what I thought was what I was supposed to do. It seemed like I was pre-wired from day 1 to follow a plan my parents and others had laid out for me. Guess what... I wasn't happy. I'm now working through that and other stuff to get myself to that awesome place. I've taken some steps backwards, to learn, like this post, but I tend find out more about myself when I do. This post was a huge and difficult thing for me but I'm happy with it. I wouldn't be me if i didn't post it. :)

Tony said...

Good stuff man!!! I'm linking to this blog.

DanaDoesDesign said...

I know you are working through things, it's obvious. And I am not saying that you should do what other people tell you to, sorry if it came across that way. And it's obvious that you are learning. And I don't think anyone is suggesting that you change who you are, or edit yourself in your blogs.

But you post A LOT about how you see yourself, and how you think other people see you, and trying to resolve those things, so I thought perhaps it was safe to post as someone who knows you, and knows you are changing, that it seemed out of character. Glad to see that it was, and that you learned from it.

kcmeesha said...

As someone who will probably never have this experience for many of the same reasons, I really enjoyed this story.Thanks