Monday, May 19, 2008

Some Random Thoughts About Where I Am Right Now

I had such a long weekend with a lot of fun and some new experiences. The fun happened and the new experiences were good life lessons. I tested the waters of trying to be someone I'm not and all it did was make me feel uncomfortable. I'll bounce back like I always do, stronger, better and with more of a definition around who I am.

Lately, girls have been really sexually aggressive and I've had to watch them and myself. Mistakes can happen if you let them. I've found a real comfortable place within my own soul right now. I'm enjoying just experiencing new things. I'm not looking for a long term anything or to be tied down with anything or anyone. That doesn't mean I don't want a long term relationship or to be tied down to a city. I'm just not going to seek them out right now. I'll let those things come to me. I've got plenty of time and I believe I deserve happiness. I'm happy right now just going out with friends and having a good time. I like the casual dating thing because I like spending time with any and everyone. It took a little while to get back on my feet with the dating thing again but that's turned around for me. It's odd but it seems the less I try the more things happen for me.

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