Sunday, June 29, 2008

Her Name Was Megan And I Almost Killed The Bitch! (Part I)

This last Friday night I was excited because my friend and coworker gave me tickets to Turning Points "An evening with friends" charity event. VML was a sponsor and therefore received eight tickets. I was only allowed two tickets so this made it a little harder to figure out who to invite. I'll spare you the details but my good buddy and genius copy guy Nick Davis attended it with me. The event was being held at the Live block of Power and Light just like the Bloom charity event. I got to the event a little late, low and behold no other VMLer was in attendance. Seriously... we did a lot of creative work for the event and it's a great event to meet other career minded people. Is this the best we can do... two people? I was pretty disappointed because I knew of some other VMLers that would have loved to attended. Now I know why people haven't heard of VML in this town. I love VML so I'm more than happy to carry the load at these events and get our name out there. Back to the evening at hand. Nick and I get in and get our drinks and eat the wonderful food they've provided.

That's when I met her...

I finally ran into my friend Kelli who works for Turning Point. Kelli was with her husband and another girl. She introduced me to her friend named Megan. Megan and I chatted for a little bit. Needless to say I was happy to make a new friend. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. As Nick and I rubbed elbows with snobs and entertained ourselves with the decorations surrounding us–apparently Megan was drinking a lot. We met back up with Kelli and her group as the event was winding down and Drew 6 was finishing the last couple of songs on their playlist. Megan was showing signs of feeling her buzz and as she grabbed me and forced me to dance with her I was willing to entertain. Megan needed to go to the restroom which was clear across the courtyard and in doing so grabbed my hand and had me walk with her there. On our way there I could see that her walking was getting worse and worse. She was in the bathroom for quite a while but i waited for her until she finished. We were heading back to the stage when I noticed the event had just finished. People were starting to move in that didn't have tickets. I wanted to get Megan back to Kelli because at that moment I got a text from a bunch of my friends wanting me to come meet up with them at the plaza.

Here's where shit got real... (To be continued)

Here's a picture of me and my what I thought was my new found friend.

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