Saturday, January 17, 2009

And Here Is Where I Try To Make Sense Of Things (Part 1)

The one big question everyone asks me is; what happened that would make you get a divorce? For me this is an easy question to answer...because we should've never gotten married. This is almost always followed by; why did you get married then? To which I can only answer...because I love her.

You confused yet? Welcome to my life.

Our relationship started when we were both very young. I was 18 and had just graduated from high school. She was 17 and was working at Subway during the summer before her senior year. many memories of times, people, places that I haven't thought about in a long time.

She was cute and sweet. She made me a sandwich. I asked her out due to a weird bet made by me and my buddy Justin. We started dating and immediately there was chemistry and friendship. We had a very passionate couple of weeks before I left on vacation. We ended it when I was on vacation. This was because we moved really fast and because she decided to move back down to Wichita for her senior year. We ended up getting back together and decided we'd try a long distance relationship. I spent my freshman year visiting her a couple of weekends a month and enjoying the dorm life on the other ones. The distance seemed to really help us take it slow and enjoy the time we had together. Half way through my sophomore year she moved in with me in my apartment and from then on we lived together. It was full of love and happiness. We'd help each other study and since we didn't have any money we'd keep each other company. We were living the college life together and enjoying it. I also loved her because for the first time I had someone that could help me heal some old wounds and vice versa.

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