Thursday, January 22, 2009

And Here Is Where I Try To Make Sense Of Things (Part 3)

So we'd come home every night to our downtown apartment. I would sneak off to Tanners to go visit my buddy and she would retreat to our bed and work all night. I'm a connoisseur of social functions, the nightlife, spontaneity and with my good job making good money I was afforded the opportunity to do that. I quickly found out that that was not what she wanted. She was ready to nest and settle down. Having come from a big family and working as an elementary school teacher she was in the pursuit of making babies. Part of my initial attraction to her came from the fact that I knew she would be an excellent mother...but I couldn't imagine her being the mother of my child. One gut feeling I've learned to notice is that if I can't look at a partner and see them having my child...then they won't. I think so far in my life I've only met one woman that I could clearly see her and I having a child together.

We were learning that we both were heading down two separate paths. It was only a matter of time before my family and hers started harping on us to get married, settle down, have babies. I was scared. My coworkers were all settling down, some of my friends were starting to do the same. We started looking at houses and in true manipulative fashion my mother stepped in to financially help us build a house we couldn't afford, in a neighborhood close to her, with a drive that killed me, in a life I hated. We settled in—proud of our new home that we could then show off to the Joneses. We went to the neighborhood parties and why I would talk about the newest night clubs and happy hours, everyone else talked of expecting or trying to have children and even do you keep your lawn so nice. As I bottled up my hatred for everything suburban and quaint our families and her basked in the idea of the plan that was 'their' dream.

Instead of walking my path...I walked theirs.

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