Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Am I Poisonous?

I have something I really need to get off my chest. This last Friday I had a great heart to heart with my brother. Something we really have never done before and it felt so good afterwards. I was flying high and feeling ready to party. I was having a good night. I decided to go to a friends birthday party at the GranFalloon on the plaza. I was really enjoying myself at the party watching everyone getting liquored up. Also, the birthday girl seemed to really be enjoying herself which makes me feel good. I tend to not have good birthdays so anytime someone else has a good one its special. The night was starting to wind down for most people. At this time I was pulled aside by someone. What I got was unbelievable. On my night of triumph with my brother I was pulled aside and berated. This person did not back down. I was raked over the coals a thousand times over about my situation and what I'd done to my ex-wife. This isn't someone that knows me particularly well but felt they had to tell me what an asshole I was. I was then scolded for having a blog which provides personal thoughts and memoirs about the feelings and situations I'm going through.

For the record I write for no one but myself. My blog is my confessions and therapy, I will NOT STOP writing! I understand I put myself out there for others to criticize and I'm fine with that, but don't think you know me or what i've been through with just my blog entries.

Lastly, and this was the worst part of it. This person decides to blame me and my situation for the problems in another friends relationship. Are you fucking kidding me? I was pissed. I immediately dismissed the whole thing and went back to my seat furious. I was still angry about it the rest of the night. Over the next couple of days I got to thinking about it, as absurd it is to think I could affect another's relationship in such an indirect way, I was starting to believe I did. Maybe, he was seeing how I was enjoying myself more than ever now that I'm single. Maybe she feels empowered to leave him after such a long time together. None of which I believe but it made me think. All I want is for people is to be happy. Did I bring unhappiness to people I love by making myself happy again? I want to say it doesn't bother me. I want to believe I've had no effect on the situation. I want to believe i've hurt no one. Apparently I've shined a mirror on other peoples insecurities and they now want to cause me pain. How much can I take? I want to scream. I will scream. I'll scream silently in the lonely night. That's just the way I was made, venom, fangs and all.

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